dijous, 5 de juny del 2008

**discuss the film**

  • Where does Edward live at the beginning of the film? on the top of a mountain in a castle, outside the town,
  • Where does his new family live? in the town in a nice small house
  • Describe the town and put a picture. When does the story take place? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Scissorssuburbia.jpg , it was a small town , where there was a lot of nouse pelople, there haouse are very artafishel, every day was a sunny day, everyu thing was perfect and very green..
  • What is Peg's job (the mother)? Is she making a lot of money? no very much because no body wanted her producs.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of scissors for Edward? that hi can cut every thing, ( hair, hedges, garden , food, ice sculpshurs ) , was diferent for eveybody, he could protect this family. we hurs people with out atencion, he couldent pick aney thing up, hi was to diferent, we was always breaking thing.
  • Who are good friends and bad friends in the film? kim's boy friend was a very bad person, the ''loka'' she was bad and she always was saying things aboy him.
  • What's the best moment in the film for you? when kim comes home and edward is on her water bed and she screams when she see's him and we sticks this scissors in the bed and there both screeming like mad and then hi gets drunk
  • Do you like the film? What's good or bad about it? i't was very good, and the only ting bad is that they did'nt exept him in the end :(